05-09 2021

“Real shadows” is an interactive mechanical installation built with the intention of bringing back into focus Plato’s Allegory of the cave, his philosophical thoughts about human condition and true knowledge, placed in our present cultural context.
By the medium of the installation, the author is looking for possible answers to questions like: what is our relation with reality? is the world perceived by our senses the real one, or just a projection of it? are we capable to understand the real nature of the world that surrounds us?
If in Plato’s allegory the world that is visible to us, is just a world of shadows and appearances, then how does our perception of reality change, through the filter of today’s technology?
Does technology change the way we used to look at the world and ourselves, if our relation with the material world is weaker today? And what is our relation with the unknown?
Composed of a simple mechanical system and two wire sculptures, put in motion by the visitor himself, the installation is looking for possible answers, focusing in movement around us.
The installations was built with the support of Cluj Cultural Center in 2021, and exhibited at the group exhibition called WUD ( Work upside down) - The future of work, at Cluj Napoca, Romania
Video: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/730720472
By the medium of the installation, the author is looking for possible answers to questions like: what is our relation with reality? is the world perceived by our senses the real one, or just a projection of it? are we capable to understand the real nature of the world that surrounds us?
If in Plato’s allegory the world that is visible to us, is just a world of shadows and appearances, then how does our perception of reality change, through the filter of today’s technology?
Does technology change the way we used to look at the world and ourselves, if our relation with the material world is weaker today? And what is our relation with the unknown?
Composed of a simple mechanical system and two wire sculptures, put in motion by the visitor himself, the installation is looking for possible answers, focusing in movement around us.
The installations was built with the support of Cluj Cultural Center in 2021, and exhibited at the group exhibition called WUD ( Work upside down) - The future of work, at Cluj Napoca, Romania
Video: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/730720472